• Lecture: "The History of Ancient Cyprus"
    25 €
    What are Prehistoric and Ancient Cyprus?!
    25 €

    ▪️ We’ll discover that the island was well-known to the world’s earliest civilizations, even though humans arrived on Cyprus relatively late.

    ▪️ We'll discuss how ancient people created the first global market and why this market could not function properly without Cyprus.

    ▪️ We’ll learn when Greek Cypriots first settled on the island and why they were likely refugees. We’ll also delve into the mysterious Bronze Age collapse that devastated nearly all Mediterranean civilizations.

    ▪️ We’ll identify the gods worshipped in ancient Cyprus and explore the most famous preserved temples on the island.

    ▪️ And, of course, we’ll talk about the ancient languages of Cyprus, their connection to the island's modern languages, and dive into the basics of archaeology, geography, and linguistics.

    Lecturer: Anton Kostichev, archaeologist and historian

    December 5, 7:30 PM
    Limassol, ART-podval space

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