• The lecture "Hellish Chronicles of Hieronymus Bosch"
    25 €
    The Surrealists called Bosch their spiritual father, and researchers began studying his works, trying to unravel his mysteries. The questions about Bosch keep growing. What do his disturbing images mean? Although much has been written about him, very little is actually known. The 20th century turned him into a pop culture icon, and the 21st century made him a source of memes. But do we truly understand him?
    25 €

    Over a hundred years ago, a forgotten master of the Northern Renaissance suddenly became a sensation. The Surrealists proclaimed him their spiritual father, and researchers began writing monographs, counting his surviving works—or rather, panels. Everyone saw Bosch differently. His paintings became fewer, and the questions multiplied.
    Who was he? A Catholic or heretic, a moralist or a satirist, a realist or a mystic? Where did his terrifying yet captivating monsters come from? What was he really trying to say?
    There are no clear answers. Hieronymus was no Leonardo—he left us not a single written word.
    Although much has been written about Bosch, very little is actually known about him.
    The 20th century turned him into a pop culture icon, while the 21st century embraced him as an endless source of GIFs and memes, captivating even the most unprepared audience.
    Everyone knows Bosch.
    But do they really understand him?
    Is it even possible to understand him?
    And what about the experts—have they reached any consensus?
    Let’s try to figure it out during the lecture.

    Date: October 24, 19:30
    Location: Limassol, Art Basement
    Price: 25€, a glass of prosecco included.

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